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Showing posts from February, 2023

Experimentation with Trace and Unroll

 In the above images, I practiced using the Trace and Unroll functions to create simple geometric shapes. I used as many basic shapes as I could think of, but the objects highlighted in red are examples of ones that did not unwrap cleanly. This was a good exercise in finding out when unwrapping will and won't work easily. 

Papercraft Research

  Papercraft is an inexpensive yet detailed form of 3D art. This widely varying craft can easily function as a cheaper method to translate ideas as well as a pristine final project.  In the case of the Installation of the duo Zim and Zou (Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann), their sculptures are fantastically colorful and intricately detailed. The medium allows for flat adornments of color and texture, as well as sculpted 3D elements. The style of their work is particularly geometric and bustling with life, their paper cities populated with tiny characters and detail at their scale. Organic textures and shapes are created on 2D surfaces and the 3D structure of the sculpture. In the piece above, the round tiles of the roof create a texture unlike the flat application of different colored stripes of wood below. Also, the roof tiles converge in a cluttered yet organized manner. Every aspect of these sculptures is finely planned, even while they look organic.  Symmetry bala...

Papercraft: Thumbnails / Discussion Roughs


Loft and Sweeping Rail

I loved the exploration of this exercise. I struggled to pick just ten I like so I included 15 of my experiments for this project, even though not all 15 "can hold water". What I struggled with the most was definitely sweeping rail. While I got the hand of the Loft function fairly quickly, sweep1 and sweep2 were a struggle for me. My most successful attempt can be seen below, but I am going to continue experimenting with these functions until I am comfortable with them!  

Ten Rings Render