To begin my process of modeling an apple I traced out the shape I wanted and then mirrored it for symmetry. Then I copied and rotated the wireframe at the center until I had a 3D wireframe. From there I traced the veritcal lines horitzonally and had an even more detailed wireframe. The image above was my attempt to create an apple with curved lines and using the loft function, then switching between mesh and NURBs to create foldable sections. This resulted in too many pieces for my liking when it unrolled. Above you can see the more successful more geometric apple, better suited for papercraft. Though there were fewer planes using this approach, I needed to individually create each plane using sweep1 and sweep2. Once I had this outer shell I needed to do even more work to cut into it.
To create this cross section I deleted a quater of the visible planes and drew new lines connecting the top and bottom halves of the apple. When I print it, this section doesnt bend anywhere but the middle and is unwrapped separately.
To create further detail I modeled a simple leaf and stem to scale. Here is the entire unwrapped model from top view:
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